When you face stress of work and life, do you always feel depressed? Then, how can we sweep the bad mood? Well, eat some "happy food"!
Some food that makes you happy
1. Banana: there is alkaloid in banana which can cheep up your spirits. And banana also contains tryptophon and vitamin B6 which help brain produce serotonin.
2. Spinach: according to research, lack of folic acid can cause the reduction of serotonin and thus leads to a depressive mood. Fortunately, spinach is rich in folic acid.
3. Garlic: though it brings bad breath, it also brings happy mood. A study carried out in Germany shows that when people with anxiety disorders eat some garlic, they become less anxious, and fiery.
4. Cherry: it is called "natural aspirin" by western doctors because it contains some substance called "anthocyanin" which brings happiness. Scientists from University of Michigan think when people are in low mood, eating 20 cherries is better than taking any medicine for them.
5. Low- fat milk: according to a study of Mount Sinai School of Medicine, when women of premenstrual syndrome eat 1000mg calcium tablets for 3 months, most of them are easier to be happy, less nervous or anxious. In daily food, calcium is most contained in milk, yoghourt and cheese. Fortunately, low- fat milk and skim milk contain most calcium.
6. Chicken: English psychologists let each participant eat 100mg selenium and they said they feel better. Selenium is most contained in chicken.
7. Whole-wheat bread: carbohydrate increases serotonin. Researchers from Massachusetts Institute of Technology said it is scientific for some people to regard noodles and deserts as antidepressants.
8. Grapefruit: a large amount of vitamin C in grapefruit not only can keep the concentration of erythrocytes, thus keeping bodies' immunity, but also have the function of anti-pressure. More importantly, vitamin C is an important component when producing dopamine and adrenalin.
9. Pumpkin: it is related to a good mood because it contains lots of vitamin B6 and iron, both of which help blood sugar turn to glucoses which are the only energy of brain operation.
Some nutrients that make you happy.
Vitamin B6: it maintains normal level of nerve media, including 5-hydroxytryptamine, dopamine, and norepinephrine. When vitamin B6 achieves to a certain amount, it can produce some "antidepressant".
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