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Tuesday, October 11, 2011



Home chefs are often searching for new cooking methods or approaches to enhance their food, and one such technique that people might perhaps not even have tested is tagine cooking. Tagine cooking has been around for hundreds of years. Tagine cuisines are given their names for the earthenware pot, typically a flat circular plate which is covered by a large domed cover which remains on the plate in the course of the cooking process, which originates from North Africa and are typically associated with Moroccan cuisine
Tagines usually come in two varieties, 
which are cooking and serving, with both of them basically being the same thing save for the fact that the serving ones are commonly glazed and colorfully decorated. The early tagines were used by the nomadic Berber of Morocco, and tagine cooking was habitually carried out over charcoal with the most regular ingredients containing lamb, poultry and fish. The tagine became favored due to the fact that it needs very tiny bit of water, a rare material in that part of the world. Also, with this cooking technique you can surely cook ingredients for hours with the domed top covered for circulating water vapor inside the dish to keep the food wet whilst also saturating the food with oil as well as seasonings.

Before you go into the fundamentals of tagine cooking, 
it's a fantastic idea to get ready your tagine first so that you could will be able to obtain ideal results. Submerge your tagine in water for a couple of hours, after that coat the base as well as the cover interior with some olive oil, then place it in an unheated oven, before increasing the heat to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. After 2 hours, remove the tagine and allow it to cool. You might then repeat the olive oil process before storing it.
A brief online search can reveal thousands of distinct recipes for you to try, with many of them relying on conventional lamb and chicken ingredients. The entertaining part of tagine cooking is that you can easily experiment with different vegetable and herbs, all aiming at providing your many alternatives with distinctive flavors every time. 
The actual cooking time can possibly be anywhere from 45 mins to a few hours, so be sure to refer to each instruction for the exact cooking time, especially if cooking for visitors, and no matter how rushed, makesure that you never set your tagine over high heat as this can most likely crack and damage the dish. 
With appropriate care of your pot, you can absolutely be cooking fantastic brand-new meals for years to come.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Food and its Types - Chef Ramandeep Anand

Food and its Types - Chef Ramandeep Anand

Food is the basic necessity for all of us and we all earn money to get this basic necessity. We need to eat 3 meals a day to keep our body running so that we can manage our daily functions. Many of us " Eat food to live" while there are others who "Live to eat food". In fact, nutrition assumes a special importance in each and everyone's life.

Types of Foodstuff

The food is normally divided into two main categories given below:-

1- Vegetarian food- These include stuffs like milk, fruits and vegetables. These are those stuff that are obtained from plants and trees.

2- Non- Vegetarian food- These include stuffs like meat and meat products, chicken, turkey, fish, squid etc. Non vegetarian food are generally obtained by killing animals.

Nutrition from Foodstuff

Nutrition from food is necessary and without this daily dose of nutrition animals may not survive for long. It is important to support life as nourishment obtained helps the cells present in our body to carry out its routine functions. Different stuffs provide different levels of nutrition. The nutrients are divided into six classes which are given below:-
1- Carbohydrates- These provide energy to the body and are found in items like rice, bread and other grain products.
2- Fats- It consists of a group of compounds that are generally insoluble in water. These are found in items like butter, ghee, fish oil, lard etc. Fats are stored in the human body for use at a later use for energy.
3- Minerals- These are needed for the maintenance of proper functions in the body like the transport of oxygen throughout the body, stimulating growth, normalizing the nervous system etc. Minerals can be found from a variety of food items such as meat, cereals including cereal products such as bread, fish, milk and dairy foods.
4- Protein- These are important components of muscles, skin and hair. Proteins are helpful in creation of various enzymes in the body that control various important functions. Major sources of protein include milk, meat, fish, egg, and vegetables.
5- Vitamins- They are an essential component of animal body required for good health. It is organic compound required as a nutrient. Good sources of vitamins are fruits, vegetables, cereals, milk and eggs.
6- Water- It is popularly known as the"elixir of life". The human body comprises of 55-78 % of water. It is required for the essential functioning of the various important parts of the human body.

Thus, these points given above reflect the importance of food and nutrients in our diet. As long as a human is alive, he needs water and foods in the required quantity.