Which one is better Organic milk OR Regular Milk- BY Chef Raman
The debate has been raging on about organic milk vs regular milk in recent times, and with dramatic shifts happening all around the world in the dairy industry that means that the milk you drink today is vastly different from the one you drank as you were growing up. Typically, the milk that passes as "regular" these days are chock full of all kinds of hormones and artificial ingredients that may prove harmful to your health. The only way that you can ensure that you are not affected by any of these changes is to make the switch to organic, but obviously when you consider that organic milk vs regular milk is almost 2x as costly, there is a real dilemma.
The Case For Organic Milk Vs Regular Milk
Essentially, milk classified as organic has to pass more stringent standards than milk classified as regular, which means that it won't have all the additives like growth hormone, antibiotics and other potentially harmful chemicals. While generally the consensus is that it's yet to be proven that these additional stuff will cause real harm to us, why risk your
THe best of Organic Milk would be Sheep Milk health over a few dollars and cents? These days, cancer and other serious disorders and diseases are on the rise, and who is to say that that's not partly down to all the changes that's been happening in the food industry and how livestock and produce are raised?
Honestly, you would be shocked and appalled if you knew what cows have to go through in the case of the latter of organic milk vs regular milk. In the case of the former, cows have free rein to graze and move about the pastures, whereas "regular" cows don't. Additionally, they are milked very frequently and are pumped with all kinds of chemicals to ensure they produce larger and larger quantities. Based on logic alone, you can understand why there's a growing concern about so called normal milk.
So Which One to Choose?
Well, if you can afford it, I would definitely recommend making the switch to organic milk vs regular milk, considering all the health risks involved. Granted, they are not proven or documented, but obviously you don't want to wake up one morning to find out some drastic headlines about organic milk vs regular milk and realize that it's too late because you've been drinking "regular" your entire life would you so it's better to be safe than sorry really.